Hi! I’m Nicole Norris. I’m a financial advisor with Asset Strategies; I’m also a runner. The following is a summarized version of my personal running story. I’m sharing it because I think it strongly mirrors the journey many people have when considering their personal finances and whether or not they should work with a financial advisor. It seemed fitting to this audience. 🙂
In 2003, I ran my first race, a half marathon. I had always enjoyed running recreationally in college but finishing that race I had the ultimate runners high. I was hooked, and soon, I set my sights on a full marathon.
However, my journey toward that goal was filled with setbacks. I trained for four marathons, only to be sidelined by injuries each time. I was able to complete shorter races injury-free and began to question whether my body was built for a full 26.2 miles. Despite these doubts, my times for 5Ks, 10Ks, and half marathons kept improving. I took a course on creating running plans and implemented that knowledge into my training. I also focused more on nutrition and cross-training. Still, the marathon remained elusive..
Fifteen years after that first race, I had the opportunity to work with a running coach. I was nervous, unsure if I could overcome my injuries or if I’d just be letting someone else down. But I was also hopeful that a coach could help me reach my long-held goal.
Within weeks, I signed up for a marathon six months away—on my birthday. Working with my coach, my training was transformed. We increased my weekly mileage, added speedwork, and, most importantly, my self-confidence grew with each challenging workout. When old injuries flared up, my coach knew who to recommend for treatment. I stayed dedicated to both my training and therapy, and it paid off.
On my birthday, I achieved three major goals: I trained for and got to the starting line of a marathon, completed it, and qualified for the Boston Marathon. It was, quite possibly, my best birthday yet. My coach even traveled to another state to cheer me on.
It is hard to quantify the value working with a coach brought to my running. There were so many small adjustments that were made to my training and injury care, that I know I never would have tried had I continued to self-train. My coach also challenged me to believe in myself when I doubted my ability. Without their guidance, I know I wouldn’t have accomplished what I did.
This experience taught me an invaluable lesson: seeking expert guidance in areas outside our expertise is crucial. Just as I questioned the value of a running coach, many people underestimate the impact a financial advisor can have on their lives.
I encourage you to reflect on whether there might be areas in your financial life where expert advice could make a difference. Could a financial advisor offer insights and strategies you haven’t considered? Taking that first step to schedule a meeting might feel daunting, but it could be the decision that makes a significant impact on your future.
If you’re ready to take that first step, I invite you to schedule a meeting with me or another one of the amazing advisors at Asset Strategies to see if we’re a good fit for each other. You can reach us at 402.933.4246, or at https://assetstrategies-ne.com/