UBT is this year’s Market to Market corporate sponsor, so we thought we should give their Wellness Advocate, Sam Dolezal, a chance to weigh in on how best to treat yourself as you train for and complete this year’s Market to Market relay race. The following is Sam’s advice.

A mile a day keeps the doctor away — isn’t that how the saying goes? As good as physical activity is for our health, there are certain aspects that are commonly overlooked that play a crucial role in your health and performance. The following non-negotiables of distance running can be applied to other physical activity endeavors and can help you reach your Market to Market goals and beyond.

  1. Have a warm-up and cool-down. Easily the most-commonly-skipped part of a workout, the warm-up and cool-down are both essential to keeping yourself injury-free and having an enjoyable workout. If you aren’t sure where to start, go with the 5+5 rule. The 5+5 rule is 5 different stretches and 5 minutes of light activity (walking, jogging, biking) before heading in and out of your workout.
  2. Hydrate and fuel properly. Important for even the shortest of workouts, staying hydrated and fueled can be the difference between a great and not-so-great (or really bad) workout. Aim for 3-8 ounces of water every hour when being physically active and fuel with quick-acting carbs.
  3. Rest and recovery are your best friend. It’s hard to take a day off when the big day is coming — more is more, right? More rest is the right move! Getting enough sleep and downtime can help you avoid injury and ensure that you achieve your goals. It may feel contradictory but taking that time will help you in the long run.
  4. Incorporate other activities into your workout regimen. Cross-training has become the newest trend and for good reason. Adding in other activities such as yoga, water aerobics, or cycling can help you reach the next level of your running game. Although your passion may be running, adding in other activities can give your body a rest from the pavement and provide a new stimulus. Some of these activities also make good recovery day activities!
  5. Self-care is a winning strategy. Whether you hit the trails or a treadmill, protect your body by investing in supportive footwear regularly, wearing sunscreen/protective clothing when outdoors, and being mindful of the mileage you are putting in each week. It’s easy to forget how much time we invest in activities we love, and by being proactive with the care of ourselves, we can reduce our injury risk and protect our health.

If you are successful in incorporating the non-negotiables above, you’ll no doubt be successful on race day. Good luck to all the runners out moving their batons forward!