- Begin your training in plenty of time (see months) before the time of your race.
- Plan and execute a systematic schedule of runs of increasing length and intensity.
- Adopt consistent habits including a healthy diet.
- Before your race, get plenty of sleep so you show up well rested and ready to go!
Failing to follow these “SIMPLE” steps will diminish your results during the race and possibly keep you from finishing your run all together! Most people will tell you that even taking some time off of your training schedule doesn’t just delay your progress but can actually take away from some of your earlier efforts. Steps needed in preparing for your retirement:
- Begin saving plenty of time (see years) before the time of your planned retirement date.
- Plan and execute a systematic schedule of investments focused on quality and diversification
- Adopt consistent habits including good budgeting and strong debt management
- Before your retirement date, clean up your balance sheet (see unnecessary debts and expenses) so you show up prepared and ready to enjoy the next chapter of your life!
Failing to follow these “SIMPLE” steps will diminish your results during your retirement years and possibly keep you from finishing in the manner you had hoped. Most people will tell you that even taking some time off of your savings plan, or worse yet taking assets away for short term urges (like buying a boat!) doesn’t just delay your progress to your goals but can actually take away from you earlier efforts.
Both training for your marathon and preparing for future retirement are both pretty straight forward, simple things to plan out and implement. Neither are easy though in that they take planning, consistent self-sacrifice, and the internal strength needed to stay the course in preparation for your future event. Sitting back and procrastinating is really easy to do but most likely won’t give you the outcome you had hoped for. Starting to train for your marathon 2 weeks before your race will look a lot like beginning to prepare for your retirement 5 years before the time you hope to begin! Neither will look pretty!
Our goal at Capitol Private Wealth is to be a good coach and partner to our clients. Our expertise and experience along with their good habits and consistent efforts help ensure that they can run their best race!