Market to Market’s sponsor UBT has three teams totaling 18 runners participating in the race this year. Some are veterans of this event, while others are participating for the first time. To help you prepare, they were asked a series of questions about how they’re managing preparation for race day.

Hopefully their answers will help you and your team get ready for Nebraska’s favorite road race!

Do you do anything unusual or
run differently to prepare for this unique running event?

Josh S.: No special training. I train similar to my half marathon training.

John K.: Go the extra step to do warm-up stretches and stretch regularly after a run.

Miranda S.: I actually have to run!

Taylor S.: More two-a-day runs, doing a long run in the morning and a short run at night. Trying to prepare for the fact that we’ll be running and then sitting for long periods before running more! Also, I use the Jeff Galloway Run-Walk-Run method!

Tom J.: I do a hybrid-style training. Lift heavy, run far. Majority of my runs I will throw on a ruck or weighted vest.

Chase K.: I wouldn’t say I necessarily do anything different for this event. I probably stick with my usual weekly running routine. I typically run about three to four times per week, usually three to five miles per run. One to two days per week I try to run at slower pace to make sure my heartrate stays around zone two, and for the other two days to try run at faster pace to improve my overall pace.

Taylor H.: I was pestered by both UBT teams for over a month until I caved into peer pressure. My terms and conditions to agreeing to compete: 1) I want to run legs with low miles. 2) I will not train. 3) What I run is what you get. Being competitive, I have failed at meeting my own terms and I have started training by running three times a week with one of these goals: 1) Run the shorter of my two legs faster than the previous run. 2) Run the full distance of my longer leg. 3) Don’t forget to breathe. Also, gummy bears and chocolate protein after each run.

What’s one item you would never want to forget at home on Market to Market day?

Miranda S.: Music!

Tom J.: A couple fresh pairs of socks, and snacks.

John K.: My headphones. I NEED music when I run.

Chase K.: Fitness tracker

Josh S.: The one thing I couldn’t leave home without is my running shoes. Everything else is just nice to have.

Taylor H.: Backup socks, headphones.

Taylor S.: My inhaler. A girl’s gotta breathe! But second behind that is the running shoes!

What’s your favorite thing about Market to Market?

Taylor S.: This is my first year, so TBD!

Olivia S.: The sense of community and the bond built between teammates throughout the day!

Tom J.: Team-style race. It’s fun to be out there with others all working to accomplish the same goal.

Chase K.: Definitely seeing all the creative team themes and costumes they run in.

John K.: This is my first time participating, but I’m excited to do this with my fellow coworkers.

Miranda S.: Accomplishing something with a great group of people.

Josh S.: The team approach to running and sharing the experience.

Taylor H.: The finish line.

What’s your go-to running song?

Josh S.: “Run Boy Run” by Woodkid

Taylor H.: “Mr. Blue Sky” by Electric Light Orchestra. It’s a great cadence for running!

Chase K.: “Ventura Highway” by America

Olivia S.: “Tubthumping” by Chumbawamba. The repetition of “I get knocked down, but I get up again / You’re never gonna keep me down” is very motivating and the best reminder to keep fighting even (especially) when it’s hard.

Tom J.: “Hum Hallelujah” by Fall Out Boy or “Ocean Avenue” by Yellowcard

John K.: “Can’t Tell Me Nothing” by Kanye West

Taylor S.: “Dancing Queen” by ABBA. No one will change my mind.

Miranda S.: “Fight Song” by Rachel Platten

Any hacks on how to survive an entire day in a packed van full of runners?

John K.: Since it’s my first time, I’m hoping to discover some hacks throughout the day.

Chase K.: Stretch consistently throughout the day and maintain a good sense of humor to keep the atmosphere enjoyable!

Josh S.: Continue to stretch throughout the day.

Tom J.: Bring deodorant. Bring snacks. Get out of the van every chance you get to stay loose.

Taylor H.: No clue. I would love to know how others do it.

What advice would you give to a first-time Market to Market runner?

Taylor S.: My mantra is “Don’t stress, just have fun!” We’re there to support each other and see other employees we don’t get to see every day while getting some exercise!

Josh S.: Have fun!

Tom J.: Run your race. If you’re a competitive person like I am, you will want to pass people every chance you get. Set your pace and run your race.

John K.: I would say, enjoy every moment!

Miranda S.: It’s my first time so NONE, but I’m open to hearing advice from others!

Chase K.: Depending on what legs you’ve signed up for, I would recommend incorporating some hills into your running route leading up to the event!

How many times have you run Market to Market?

Olivia S.: I’ve run M2M just once so far!

Chase K.: Only once (my first time was last year).

Taylor H.: This is my first!

Taylor S.: First timer!

Tom J.: Second time running it.

Josh S.: Once in 2009.

John K.: This is my first time!

What valuable insights or inspiring quotes might help someone prepare?

Chase K.: “Life is short. Running makes it seem longer.” – Ultramarathon runner Baron Hasen

Tom J.: Run, walk, or crawl. Have fun and finish strong.

Olivia S.: Only 10% of running is physical, the other 90% is mental.

Taylor S.: I use the Run-Walk-Run method and I’ve never been disappointed when I finish a race. For me, if I ran 80% and walked 20%, I’m still a runner. Even if you walked 90% and ran 10%, you’re still a runner! Shoot, walk that whole race and you’re still a runner to me!

Danni S.: “Don’t Stop, Won’t Stop.”

John K.: “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

Josh S.: “I don’t go to the starting line expecting to win. I go to the start believing this could be the day when incredible things happen.” – Ryan Hall

Taylor S.: “Good things come slow — especially in distance running.” – Bill Dellinger

Danni S.: “If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Taylor S.: “I often hear someone say, ‘I’m not a real runner.’ We are all runners, some just run faster than others. I never met a fake runner.” – Bart Yasso

Olivia S.: “If you think you can or you can’t, you’re probably right.”